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Resultado 1-10 de 69.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2020Profitability of soybean production models with diversified crops in the autumn-winter.GARBELINI, L. G.; FRANCHINI, J. C.; DEBIASI, H.; BALBINOT JUNIOR, A. A.; BETIOLI JUNIOR, E.; TELLES, T. S.
2020Antixenosis in soybean to Spodoptera cosmioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) mediated by leaf color and trichome density.QUEIROZ, E. B. de; SILVA, F. C. da; BORELLA JUNIOR, C.; ARAUJO, M. S.; HIROSE, E.; JESUS, F. G. de
2020Antibiosis in soybean genotypes to Spodoptera cosmioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).QUEIROZ, E. B. de; MIRANDA, D. de S.; SILVA, F. C. da; BORELLA JUNIOR, C.; ALMEIDA, A. C. de S.; HIROSE, E.; JESUS, F. G. de
2020Soil compaction impacts soybean root growth in an Oxisol from subtropical Brazil.MORAES, M. T. de; DEBIASI, H.; FRANCHINI, J. C.; MASTROBERTI, A. A.; LEVIEN, R.; LEITNER, D.; SCHNEPF, A.
2020Intracultivar selection for seed quality of soybeans in an ultra-low-density selection model (Honeycomb Selection Designs).LOPES, K. B. de A.; PIPOLO, A. E.; BAZZO, J. H. B.; ZUCARELI, C.
2020Phosphate Fertilizer in Soybean-Wheat Cropping System Under No-Till Management.MOREIRA, A.; MORAES, L. A. C.; PETINELI, R.
2020Evaluation of alternative methods to calculate evapotranspiration and their impact on soybean yield estimation.FERREIRA, R. C.; ABI-SAAB, O. J. G.; SILVA, M. A. de A. e; SIBALDELLI, R. N. R.; FARIAS, J. R. B.
2020Co-inoculation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Azospirillum brasilense on the physiological quality of soybean seeds.LIBÓRIO, P. H. da S.; BARBARO-TORNELI, I. M.; NOGUEIRA, M. A.; UNEDA-TREVISOLI, S. H.
2020Release of the egg parasitoid Telenomus podisi to manage the Neotropical Brown Stink Bug, Euschistus heros, in soybean production.BUENO, A. de F.; BRAZ, E. C.; FAVETTI, B. M.; FRANÇA-NETO, J. B.; SILVA, G. V.
2020Performance of soybean grown in succession to black oat and wheat.BALBINOT JUNIOR, A. A.; FRANCHINI, J. C.; DEBIASI, H.; COELHO, A. E.; SAPUCAY, M. J. L. da C.; BRATTI, F.; LOCATELLI, J. L.