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Resultado 1-10 de 51.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2019Measurement of biological N2 fixation in field-grown common bean cultivars in Brazilian Cerrado soil using 15N natural abundance method.PACHECO, R. S.; ALVES, B. J. R.; BODDEY, R. M.; FERREIRA, E. P. de B.; STRALIOTTO, R.; ARAUJO, A. P.
2019Family farmers and water conservation: learning nature-based solutions as human based solution.COSTA, R. de C. A. da; SCHULER, A. E.
2019X-ray computed microtomography against retention curve for assessing porosity in Latossolos (Ferralsols) with contrasting vegetation cover.LEMES, M. W. A.; VASQUES, G. de M.; MACHADO, A. S.; RODRIGUES, H. M.; LOPES, R. T.; ROSAS, R. O.
2019The quality of soil organic matter, accessed by 13C Solid State NMR, is more important than its content concerning pesticide adsorption.NOVOTNY, E. H.; TURETTA, A. P. D.; RESENDE, M. F. de; REBELLO, C. M.
2019Agronomic response to different doses and forms of application of organomineral phosphate fertilizer produced with chicken manure.SÁ, J. M. e; ARAÚJO, A. P. de; POLIDORO, J. C.; TEIXEIRA, P. C.; MATTOS, B. B.; BENITES, V. de M.
2019Agricultural potential for Crop-Livestock-Forestry integration system in the Matopiba region, Brazil.LUMBRERAS, J. F.; CARVALHO FILHO, A. de; MOTTA, P. E. F. da; FREITAS, P. L. de; BARROS, A. H. C.; AGLIO, M. L. D.; DART, R. de O.; SILVEIRA, H. L. F. da; QUARTAROLI, C. F.; ALMEIDA, R. E. M. de
2019Soil organic matter quality as indicator of ecosystem services.TURETTA, A. P. D.; NOVOTNY, E. H.; REBELLO, C. M.
2019Agricultural practices and ecosystem services provision to ensure the food, water and energy security.TURETTA, A. P. D.; FIDALGO, E. C. C.; PRADO, R. B.; MONTEIRO, J. M. G.; PEDREIRA, B. da C. C. G.; SCHULER, A. E.; DUARTE, G. T.
2019Organic matter and physical attributes of the soil with underground barrage in agroecological transition.LUCENA, W. B. de; FERREIRA, G. B.; SILVA, M. S. L. da; SILVA, H. I. da; SILVA, M. J. S. da; ROCHA, I. A. C. da; LIMA, E. M. de; FREITAS, M. J. de; SILVA, R. T. da
2019Amazonian dark earths located in the fertile floodplains in the central Amazon - Brazil.TEIXEIRA, W. G.; MACEDO, R. S.; NEVES, E. G.