Nota Técnica/Nota científica (CNPT) : [14] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Título en Ascendente orden): 1 a 14 de 14
Año de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2015BRS Harmonia - triticale cultivar.NASCIMENTO JUNIOR, A. do; BASSOI, M. C.; SÓ e SILVA, M.; CAIERÃO, E.; MIRANDA, M. Z. de
2015BRS Sampa: malting barley cultivar for irrigated production.MINELLA, E.; EICHELBERGER, L.; COSTAMILAN, L. M.; SCAGLIUSI, S. M. M.
2020First record of Hexacladia hilaris Burks (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in Brazil and association with Chinavia erythrocnemis (Berg) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae).MARSARO JUNIOR, A. L.; COSTA, V. A.; PANIZZI, A. R.
2020First record of Phaenoglyphis villosa (Hartig, 1841) in Brazil (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea: Figitidae: Charipinae).SANTOS, C. D. R.; SAMPAIO, M. V.; FERRER-SUAY, M.; JAHNKE, S. M.; LAU, D.; PEREIRA, P. R. V. da S.
2017Performance of wheat cultivars in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2015.CASTRO, R. L. de; CAIERAO, E.; SILVA, M. S. e; SCHEEREN, P. L.; TOIGO, M. de C.; AIRES, R. F.
2013Pyramiding genes for tolerance to preharvest wheat sprouting by backcrossing.CARGNIN, A.; SANTANA, F. M.; CAIERAO, E.; CASTRO, R. L. de; SCHEEREN, P. L.; FABRIS, M.; KOVALESKI, M.
2013Resistance gene pyramiding for Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat by backcrossing.CARGNIN, A.; SANTANA, F. M.; CAIERAO, E.; CASTRO, R. L. de; SCHEEREN, P. L.; FABRIS, M.; KOVALESKI, M.
2013Response of wheat cultivars to inoculant use in southern Brazil.CASTRO, R. L. de; SILVA JUNIOR, J. P. da; CAIERÃO, E.; CARGNIN, A.; CONSOLI, L.
2016A standardized inoculation protocol to test wheat cultivars for reaction to head blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae (Triticum pathotype).CRUZ, C. C.; BOCKUS, W. W.; STACK, J. P.; VALENT, B.; MACIEL, J. L. N.; PETERSON, G. L.
2013Use of Embrapa germ plasm in Brazilian wheat breeding programs.CAIERÃO, E.; SCHEEREN, P. L.; SÓ e SILVA, M.; CASTRO, R. L. de; CARGNIN, A.
2017Wheat crop in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2015.CASTRO, R. L. de; CAIERAO, E.; PASINATO, A.; SCHEEREN, P. L.; SÓ E SILVA, M.
2013Wheat in Brazil - 2012 crop year.CAIERAO, E.
2017Wheat in Brazil - 2016 crop year.CAIERAO, E.; CASTRO, R. L. de; SILVA, M. S. e; SCHEEREN, P. L.
2013Wheat seed market in Brazil - 2009 to 2012.CAIERAO, E.