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Resultado 31-40 de 7048.
Ano de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2014Biochemical aspects of the soybean response to herbivory injury by the brown stink bug Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).TIMBÓ, R. V.; HERMES-LIMA, M.; SILVA, L. P.; MEHTA, A.; MORAES, M. C. B.; PAULA, D. P.
2014Peptide: lipid ratio and membrane surface charge determine the mechanismof action of the antimicrobial peptide BP100. Conformational and functional studies.MANZINI, M. C.; PEREZ, K. R.; RISKE, K. A.; BOZELLI JUNIOR, J. C.; SANTOS, T. L.; SILVA, M. A. da; SARAIVA, G. K. V.; POLITI, M. J.; VALENTE, A. P.; ALMEIDA, F. C. L.; CHAIMOVICH, H.; RODRIGUES, M. A.; BEMQUERER, M. P.; SCHREIER, S.; CUCCOVIA, I. M.
2014Molecular farming of human cytokines and blood products from plants: challenges in biosynthesis and detection of plant-produced recombinant proteins.CUNHA, N. B. da; VIANNA, G. R.; LIMA, T. da A.; RECH FILHO, E. L.
2014Comparing Acidovorax citrulli strains from melon and watermelon: phenotypic characteristics, pathogenicity and genetic diversity.MELO, L. A.; TEBALDI, N. D.; MEHTA, A.; MARQUES, A. S. A.
2014Efficiency of coffee seeds rna extraction protocol using RNA integrity number analysis.SANTOS, F. C.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; GROTEWOLD, E.; PADILHA, L.
2014Supression of seed borne Cladosporium herbarum on common bean seed by Trichoderma harzianum and promotion of seedling development.GUIMARÃES, G. R.; PEREIRA, F. S.; MATOS, F. S.; MELLO, S. C. M.; CARVALHO, D. D. C.
2014Molecular cloning and characterization of an α-amylase cDNA highly expressed in major feeding stages of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei.BEZERRA, C. A.; MACEDO, L. L. P.; AMORIM, T. M. L.; SANTOS, V. O.; FRAGOSO, R. da R.; LUCENA, W. A.; MENEGUIM, A. M.; VALENCIA-JIMENEZ, A.; ENGLER, G.; SILVA, M. C. M.; ALBUQUERQUE, E. V. S.; GROSSI-DE-SA, M. F.
2014Plant breeding with marker-assisted selection in Brazil.SAKIYAMA, N. S.; RAMOS, H. C. C.; CAIXETA, E. T.; PEREIRA, M. G.
2014Global analysis of differential expression in Coffea arabica seeds during the processing and drying.SANTOS, F. C.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; GROTEWOLD, E.; PADILHA, L.; MUKUNDI, E.
2014Mass spectrometry characterisation of fatty acids from metabolically engineered soybean seeds.MURAD, A. M.; VIANNA, G. R.; MACHADO, A. M.; CUNHA, N. B. da; COELHO, C. M.; LACERDA, V. A. M.; COELHO, M. C.; RECH FILHO, E. L.