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Título: Enabling conditions for integrated crop and livestock systems in the United States, Brazil, and New Zealand: A comparative analysis of incentives and barriers across three regions.
Autor: GARRETT, R.
Afiliación: Rachael Garrett, Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University; Meredith Niles, Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University; Juliana Gil, Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University; JUDSON FERREIRA VALENTIM, CPAF-AC.
Año: 2015
Referencia: In: WORLD CONGRESS ON INTEGRATED CROP-LIVESTOCK-FOREST SYSTEMS; INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTEGRATED CROP-LIVESTOCK SYSTEMS, 3., 2015, Brasília, DF. Towards sustainable intensification: proceedings. Brasília, DF: Embrapa, 2015.
Páginas: 1 p.
Descripción: In this study we examine the institutional environment for sustainable agriculture in the United States, Brazil, and New Zealand. In particular we ask whether or not the overall policy context is enabling or inhibitory of integrated crop and livestock systems (ICLS) and which policy changes are likely to have the most enabling influence on the adoption of ICLS.
Thesagro: Agricultura Sustentável
Palabras clave: Sistemas integrados
Relações internacionais
Estados Unidos
Nova Zelândia
Tipo de Material: Resumo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Resumo em anais de congresso (CPAF-AC)

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