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Título: Creolo beans production systems in Juruá valley, Acre, Brazilian Amazon.
Autoria: MATTAR, E. P. L.
JESUS, J. C. da S. de
ARAÚJO, M. L. de
Afiliação: Eduardo Pacca Luna Mattar, Universidade Federal do Acre; Eliane de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Acre; Jercivanio Carlos da Silva de Jesus, Universidade Federal do Acre; Marlon Lima de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Acre; AMAURI SIVIERO, CPAF-Acre; Hamilton Carvalho dos Santos Junior, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.
Ano de publicação: 2016
Referência: Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, New Delhi, v. 15, n. 4, p. 619-624, Oct. 2016.
Conteúdo: The Juruá valley mesoregion is recognized for its diversity of cultivars of common beans and cowpea and is an important center for on farm bean conservation in Brazil. However, there is little information about production systems of Creoles cultivars and, in this approach, the study aimed to identify the production centers and to gather information about beans production systems. Thirty eight farmers and five merchants were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaries. Juruá valley farmers use three beans production systems: "beach farming", "slash burn system" and "stuffy farming". The systems use family labor with low dependence on external inputs, two classified as itinerant. The study identified two beans production centers: Alto Juruá extractive reserve and Santa Luzia directed settlement project.
Thesagro: Feijão
Phaseolus vulgaris
Feijão de corda
Vigna unguiculata
Agricultura familiar
Sistema de produção
NAL Thesaurus: Beans
Production technology
Small farms
Small-scale farming
Palavras-chave: Variedade crioula
Creole seed
Semilla criolla
Agricultura de praia
Beach farming
Sistema de corte e queima
Slash burn system
Agricultura abafada
Stuffy farming
Centro de produção
RESEX Alto Juruá
Projeto de Assentamento Dirigido Santa Luzia
Vale do Juruá (AC)
Amazônia Ocidental
Western Amazon
Amazonia Occidental
Tecnología de producción
Cultivo a pequeña escala
Granjas pequeñas
ISSN: 0972-5938 (Print) / 0975-1068 (Online)
Tipo do material: Artigo de periódico
Acesso: openAccess
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo em periódico indexado (CPAF-AC)

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