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Título: Sustainable viticulture: geotechnologies for Update Permanent Preservation Areas in the Serra Gaúcha Wine Region, Brazil.
Autor: HOFF, R.
Afiliación: ROSEMARY HOFF, CNPUV; Henrique Pauletto, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos–UNISINOS,SãoLeopoldo,Brasil; Rodrigo Alberti, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos–UNISINOS, SãoLeopoldo, BrasIL; ANDRE RODRIGO FARIAS, SGTE.
Año: 2016
Referencia: American Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 6, n. 5, p. 148-155, 2016.
Descripción: The Serra Gaúcha wine region is important for production of grapes and wines in Brazil. For the geographical indications for wines (GI), environmental management is an important requirement to set a GI. Since 2002, "Vale dos Vinhedos" was recognized as GI, category Indication of Origin (IP) and from 2012, it was recognized as Designation of Origin (DO). From 2005, studies in this region were important for identification the permanent preservation areas and remote sensing and GIS techniques have being used for support. In this time, the map of vineyards was obtained by vectorization upon image as well as drainage network. The objective of this work was identify vineyards located in permanent preservation areas within the ?Vale dos Vinhedos? GI after ten years gone, area that was reduced when region achieved the "DO" category. An aerial high-resolution data was used to generate digital elevation model that produced drainage and slope. The vineyards areas were obtained from measurement by high precision GPS. GIS techniques were employed for generate slope and distances maps (drainage areas). Subsequently was elaborated the preservation map, including areas with slope exceeding 45°and areas around 50 meters of drainage network and lakes. The crossing between PPA and vineyards maps produced the map of conflict areas, identifying vineyards deployed in conservation areas. The conflict use area was characterized mostly by vineyards deployed across drainage networks. The study showed that reducing the area of "IP" for "DO" allowed excluding areas with high slopes containing forests, reducing the areas of conflict in the GI. It can be concluded that the areas of the study showed a good preservation for the cultivation of the vine and the conflict areas can be converted in reclamation areas.
Thesagro: Uva
Meio Ambiente
NAL Thesaurus: Remote sensing
Palabras clave: Denominação geográfica
Indicação geográfica
Serra Gaúcha
Região vinícola
Geographic appellation
Tipo de Material: Artigo de periódico
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em periódico indexado (CNPUV)

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