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Title: Queens remate despite traumatic mating in stingless bees.
Authors: VEIGA, J. C.
RUIZ, G. R. S.
Date Issued: 2021
Citation: Current Zoology, v. 68, n. 1, p. 81-92, 2022.
Description: Abstract: Males can control female reproduction using genital plugs to impede access by rivals. In social bees, ants, and wasps, plugging may involve traumatic mating, with females being harmed. In stingless bees, chances are that plugs may promote ovarian activan, and are thought to ensure single mating?a general tendency among the social Hymenoptera. However, understanding on relationships between mating plugs, traumatic mating, and mating systems in stingless bees remains limited. To address this, we (1) compared mated queens of 7 Neotropical species to understand the patterns of copulatory marks in females and (2) compared pre- and post-mating genitalia of males and females in Melipona fasciculata to depict plug functional morphology. Data revealed an unprecedented consequence of mating in stingless bees: the characteristic marks left by mating plugs on female abdomens and the inferences that can be made from them. To our surprise, in 1 species M. fasciculata we found that queens retain the plug long after mating, and may carry it for the rest of their lives. All the other 6 species retained the plug for only a short period. Remated queens were only found in M. seminigra, whose multiple copulatory marks match previous findings of polyandry in this species. Our study shows that queens can remate, and suggests that male genital morphology may determine in part the time persistence of plugs. We conclude that traumatic mating plugs do not fully prevent remating in stingless bees and that mating systems are not uniform in this group. Nonetheless, exceptional cases of facultative polyandry in social insects?for example, when mating plugs fail?may confirm a general tendency for single mating in close link with efficient mating plugs.
Thesagro: Abelha Brasileira
Comportamento Sexual
Keywords: Copulatory marks
Facultative polyandry
Genital morphology
Male harm
Sexual conflict
ISSN: 1674-5507
Type of Material: Artigo de periódico
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Artigo em periódico indexado (CNPMA)

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