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Title: Tree productivity in the semiarid zone of Brazil.
Authors: LIMA, P. C. F.
Date Issued: 1986
Citation: Forest Ecology and Management, Amsterdam, v. 16, n.1/4, p. 5-13, oct. 1986.
Description: The present study examined the wood and fodder productivity of Leucaena leucocephala (LAM) de Wit, Prosopis juliflora (SE) DC, Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnhm Eucalyptus crebra Muell., and Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth) Brenan, planted in Petrolina, Pernambuco State, as a semiarid zone in ortheastern Brazil. The seedlings were planted in a plowed and harrowed field at a spacing of 3 x 2m. Average height and survival rates were measured 1,3, and 5 after planting. A wood volume estimate was made 5 y after planting. The wood productivity of Prosopis, 15 m3 ha-1, was superior to Leucaena (11m3 ha-1). Both species had lower productivity than E. crebra (24 m3 ha-1), but greater than E. camaldulensis (10 m2 ha-1) and A. macrocarpa (3m3 ha-1). These productivity vallues are low compared to those of humid region species, but moderate for the semiarid zone, in relation to the wood productivity of 'caatinga' vegetation. The fodder productivity of Leucaena was 7.5 metric of dry matter per ha per year. The pod productivity of Prosopis was estimated to be 6 per ha per year.
Thesagro: Floresta
Keywords: Nordeste
Regiao semi-arida
Semi-arid region
Type of Material: Artigo de periódico
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Artigo em periódico indexado (CPATSA)

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