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Title: Soluble sugars and starch accumulation on cotton plant leaves affected by cotton leafroll dwarf virus.
Authors: HOFFMAN, L. V.
BATISTA, C. E. de A.
Affiliation: Lúcia Vieira Hoffman, Embrapa Algodão; Carlos Eduardo de Araújo Batista, Mestrado USP; Vanessa Cavalcante de Almeida, Bolcista do CNPq; Paulo Augusto Vianna Barroso, Embrapa Algodão.
Date Issued: 2007
Citation: Revista Brasileira de Oleaginosas e Fibrosas, v.11, n.3, p.139-144, set./dez. 2007.
Description: The cotton blue disease, a main cotton pest in Brazil, is caused by a luteovirus, named Cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV) or Cotton vein mosaic virus (CVMV). Symptoms include shortening of internodes and stunting. Luteoviruses have been reported to cause carbohydrates accumulation in infected plants. The aim of this research was to verify if soluble sugars and starch accumulation occurs in leaf of cotton plants infected by the virus. Leaf petioles of the cotton plants with symptoms of cotton blue disease presented greater brix values than the leaves of healthy plants. Similarly, starch content in leaves of symptomatic plants were greater than those of asymptomatic plants. This is a novel virus- host system in which carbohydrates accumulation occurs, which can help to elucidate this has a hole in plant defense against infection.
Thesagro: Vírus
NAL Thesaurus: Luteovirus
Keywords: Carbohydrate
Type of Material: Artigo de periódico
Access: openAccess
Appears in Collections:Artigo em periódico indexado (CNPA)

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