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Título: Morphological traits and ecological behavior of selected secondary forest tree species in the central Amazon.
Autor: AGUIAR, M.
MORAIS, R. R. de
ARAUJO, R. da C.
Afiliación: Bolsista CNPq-Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental; University of Hamburg.
Año: 2000
Referencia: In: GERMAN-BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NEOTROPICAL ECOSYSTEMS, 2000, Hamburg. Programa and abstracts... Hamburg: University, 2000.
Páginas: p. 274.
Descripción: The aim of the study is to detect causal links between the parameters measured and the ecological behavior of the species observed in the field, as a contribution to an autecological description of the secondaty forest tree species, in the Manaus-AM (Brasil). The results show some characteristics which can be interpreted as "functional traits" of certain types of secondary forest plants, e.g. the plant biomass of the species examined is negatively correlated with leaf sizes and with the percentage of leaf biomass in relation to total biomass.
Thesagro: Árvore
Essência Florestal
Floresta Tropical Úmida
Vegetação Secundária
NAL Thesaurus: ecology
forest trees
secondary forests
Palabras clave: Comportamento vegetal
Tipo de Material: Resumo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Resumo em anais de congresso (CPAA)

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