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Título: Development of a molecular method for the identification of clone varieties of Coffea canephora via PCR.
Autoria: MATTOS, N. G.
Afiliação: Nathália Gomes Mattos, UFV; ALAN CARVALHO ANDRADE, SAPC.
Ano de publicação: 2017
Referência: In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE GENÉTICA E MELHORAMENTO, 8., 2017, Viçosa, MG. Ômicas: do gene ao fenótipo. [Proceedings...] Viçosa, MG: UFV, 2017.
Conteúdo: Conilon coffee belongs to the Coffea canephora species, which is a diploid (2n = 2 × = 22), perennial, allogamous plant with a high genetic variability. Consequently, a plantation established from seeds will likely have plants with highly diversified characteristics. Accordingly, the production of cuttings is of great value for the success of crop implementation. Using clones produced from superior genotypes instead of seeds has some advantages such as lower implementation costs, higher productivity, higher uniformity of maturation, better grain quality, differentiated cycle of maturation and staggered harvest scheduling. Brazil is an important coffee producer, and the development of new varieties is important to maintain or even increase its production.
Thesagro: Coffea Canephora
NAL Thesaurus: Intellectual property rights
Palavras-chave: New cultivar
Genetic variability
Tipo do material: Resumo em anais e proceedings
Acesso: openAccess
Aparece nas coleções:Resumo em anais de congresso (SAPC)

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