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Título: Estratégias de imputação em gado Canchim utilizando população de referência da raça Nelore.
Autor: MARCIANO, L. E. A.
MAIA, R. de O. G.
CHUD, T. C. S.
Afiliación: Luany Emanuella Araujo Marciano, UFPB; Ryan de Oliveira Gonçalves MAIA, UFPB; Marta da Silva Santos, UFPB; Igor Nelson Herculano DUARTE, UFPB; Priscila Arrigucci Bernardes, UNESP; Tatiane Cristina Seleguim CHUD, University of Guelph; LUCIANA CORREIA DE ALMEIDA REGITANO, CPPSE; Marcos Eli Buzangas, UFPB.
Año: 2018
Referencia: In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA, 55.; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ZOOTECNIA, 28., 2018, Goiânia. Construindo saberes, formando pessoas e transformando a produção animal: anais eletrônicos. Goiânia: Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2018.
Descripción: The use of genomic tools in animal breeding has been widely applied to improve productivity. Imputation methods could be used to reduce genotyping costs and increase the amount of genomic information, which are needed for various studies. The aim of this study was to consider the Canchim cattle (a composite beef breed) as target population and the Nelore breed as reference population to evaluate the imputation accuracy. A total of 285 Canchim, 114 MA genetic group and 814 Nelore animals were used in this study. Imputation was carried out using the FImpute software and genotype imputation accuracy was measured by concordance rate (CR) and allelic R square (R2). Five imputation scenarios were tested and CR results varied from 64.71% to 89.69%. The R2 varied from 0.63 to 0.91. High accuracy was obtained in the scenario considering Nelore and Canchim as reference population and MA animals as target. Despite of presenting acceptable accuracies, which indicates the possibility of using Nelore genotypes for imputing genetic markers in Canchim and MA animals, other studies should be carried out to evaluate different reference populations to obtain greater accuracies.
Thesagro: Melhoramento Genético Animal
Reprodução Animal
Gado de Corte
NAL Thesaurus: Animal breeding
Beef cattle
Palabras clave: Marcadores moleculares
Raça composta
Tipo de Material: Artigo em anais e proceedings
Acceso: openAccess
Aparece en las colecciones:Artigo em anais de congresso (CPPSE)

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